Customs Clearance – The New EES System

The EU will be introducing a system called ‘Entry/Exit System’ which is expected to be in operation by November 2024.

You will need to check with your customs clearance agent UK how this may impact any travelling around Europe which you intend to do after November.
It will apply to those travelling to the Schengen Area as this is surrounded by all EU countries, apart from Cyprus and Ireland. Your customs
clearance agent UK should also advise you that the non-EU countries Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein are also part of the
Schengen area.
Your customs clearance agent UK will be able to advise you of the requirements of travel, they will explain the process to ensure you follow
the correct procedures allowing your vehicle to retain UK Export customs  clearance and pass-through borders on your travels.
Your customs clearance agent UK will advise that most people from countries outside the EU will need to create a digital record and register
their details, which will require fingerprints and photos to be taken, this would happen when they arrive in the Schengen area.
Your customs clearance agent UK will advise if you are a British Traveller, you will only need to do this on your first visit to the EU after the
EES (Entry/Exit System) has been introduced. Your customs clearance agent UK will also advise that your record will be checked on arrival at the entry point into the Schengen area.
If you are travelling from ports in the South of England such as Dover, Eurotunnel, and St Pancras, your customs clearance agent UK should
advise you that EES checks will be carried out before departure due to the French Border Force Operating Immigration checks in the UK.
Finally, your customs clearance agent UK should also advise you as a British Traveller, if you decide to visit a country in the Schengen area again within three years of creating your digital record, you will only need to provide either your finger print or photograph at the border when exiting and arriving.
Speak with our Expert who will be able to advise you on the latest rules and regulations.
Trans Global Logistics Uk Limited , International Shipping & Logistics Company with 30 years of experience, will be able to offers several
services for your Vehicle Transport / Customs Clearance / Import and UK
Vehicle Registration to confidently support your shipment in either Import or Export for any type of equipment.
Contact us at Trans Global Logistics Uk Limited
Email – – phone 07833 410 281
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