Partner with Trans Global Logistic UK Limited for your Event!
As a leader in the vehicle transport & import/export industry, you can expect unparalleled safety and logistics services when organising Vehicle Club Reunion, Classic Cars Events, and Sport & Super Cars events.

We will sort everything for you!

Our Event Team can provide full Event package management and arrangement, from the shipping of your vehicles to booking hotels, flights, transports, and all concierge services related to your Event!

A comprehensive event management planning & operation for any event.
No better than us knows how Events for Classic and Luxury Cars require an extra level of handling, security transport and care.

We look after your precious vehicle/s as if it were in your hands, we will collect it from your home, transport it in an enclosed and secured trailer/s, Airfreight /Ship or Trailer it to the Event Venue to keep your vehicle in pristine condition.

You will just sit, relax, and enjoy your Event, Reunion, Rally or Competition! 

No matter where the event takes place, short or long distance, we can plan an itinerary to suit you or your club

We can book the best suitable class of hotel to suit your requirements in both budget and comfort, look after all the guests or attendees you may have at your event, can organise all road crew arrangements while making sure the vehicle will be arriving at your hotel or Event location.

We can also arrange and source Event attendees and car enthusiasts from local and international clubs to attend your event giving you full assistance in all aspects of this side of the business to secure the ultimate success of your event.

As Luxury, Sport, and Classic Car Expert Shippers, we understand the amount of care and expertise that goes into transporting your precious vehicle.

We will be able to create a customized transport plan by making sure all your instructions will be followed to perfection, we will meet you at your location and deal with all the shipping-related planning adhering to your budget and timeline to produce your perfect shipping solution for you, you Team or your Club!

We can offer also ‘Containers purchasing solutions’ to use both for shipping and as ‘Transit Garages’ where you can store your vehicles and your related events gear.



Contact Us
Emails  :,
Phone   :  +44 7833 410 281
Website :

We can book the best suitable class of hotel to suit your requirements in both budget and comfort, look after all the guests or attendees you may have at your event, can organise all road crew arrangements while making sure the vehicle will be arriving at your hotel or Event location.

We can also arrange and source Event attendees and car enthusiasts from local and international clubs to attend your event giving you full assistance in all aspects of this side of the business to secure the ultimate success of your event.

As Luxury, Sport, and Classic Car Expert Shippers, we understand the amount of care and expertise that goes into transporting your precious vehicle.

We will be able to create a customized transport plan by making sure all your instructions will be followed to perfection, we will meet you at your location and deal with all the shipping-related planning adhering to your budget and timeline to produce your perfect shipping solution for you, you Team or your Club!

We can offer also ‘Containers purchasing solutions’ to use both for shipping and as ‘Transit Garages’ where you can store your vehicles and your related events gear.

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