Japan is one of the largest car markets in the world. From Honda and Nissan to Toyota and Mazda, Subaru and Mitsubishi, Japanese cars make up a significant proportion of the global car market and ship a car from Japan to UK is fairly popular.
If you’re based in the UK and love Japanese cars, you might be tempted to ship a car straight from Japan to here, and there are a few benefits of doing that.
It can be cheaper, even with shipping and tax factored in, they tend to be made to a higher specification than the comparative UK models, and you can get access to models not available in the UK.
In Japan, they also drive on the left, meaning the steering wheel is also on the right, just like in the UK!
Ship a car and importing a car from Japan to the UK can be relatively straightforward if you follow the right process. So how can you do this?
The first thing to do before ship a car is to buy your dream Japanese car. You might already know what type of car you’re looking to buy, or you might wait to see what comes up in a car auction. In any case, it’s worth doing your homework about the car you’re buying and the reputation of the seller.
If you choose us at Trans Global Logistics UK Limited, we can help you to check your Japanese car as part of our Sourcing and shipping services from Japan to UK.
We understand that it’s unlikely that you’ll have a chance to check the car out yourself, it’s recommended to have someone do that for you before purchasing and we at Trans Global Logistics UK Limited can help. Whether you’re buying from an auction or an individual seller, be careful of scams and always do your homework on who’s selling the car.
Once you’ve purchased your car, the big task now is How to SHIP a CAR???
And to import if from Japan over to the UK?
There are a few shipping companies available that offer this service, and with Japanese ship a car imports being a big business, there are even some companies who specialise in this.
Trans Global Logistics UK Limited is one of them! To reduce any miscommunication over paperwork and fees, it might be worth using a UK-based shipping company and Trans Global Logistics UK Limited can help as we are based in the UK and we deal with our Japanese sourcing and shipping partners every day.

Speak with an expert who will be able to advise you on the latest rules and regulations.
Trans Global Logistics UK Limited , International Shipping & Logistics Company with 30 years of experience, will be able to offers several services for your Vehicle Transport / Customs Clearance / Import and UK Vehicle Registration to confidently support your shipment in either Import or Export for any type of equipment.
Contact us at Trans Global Logistics UK Limited – – phone 07833 410 281

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