Trans Global Logistic UK is expert in importing your Classic Cars, Vehicles of all manufactured, Bikes, Campervan & Trucks to the UK from all over the world.

However you wish to SHIP A CAR you need we ensure that IMPORT MY CAR is shipped and arrives safely in the UK as planned.

IMPORT MY CAR in the UK is a complex process that involves a lot of documentation which must comply with Customs, VAT and UK Import Duty Legislation.

Once you have passed this first stage, believe me not always easy, then you will need to also get the Vehicle Registered to be used on UK roads.

Thinks that is simple??? Think Again … ditch the google search which will lead you to some great disappointments and get help from a trusted Registration Services Provider.

Why? Well…. Google searches simplify everything to one application to DVLA for a merely £ 55 Application Fees and to an extent this is correct, but this is only one of the LAST STEP you need to do when looking to Register in the UK an Imported Vehicle from an international destination!!

Depending upon which country to IMPORT MY CAR  from and the age and type of the vehicle you are importing, there may be many variations to the documentation required by HMRC, the UK Motor Vehicle Department. UK Standards and DVLA.

Country of Origin your Vehicle Modifications can vary and all in all the Age of your vehicle is also a key factor in determine how much the full registration will cost you despite the glossy google £55 pounds only !

Trans Global Logistics UK Registration Department will support you step by step throughout all necessary guideline on to what is required to SHIP A CAR in the to the UK and get it registered so it can be driven on UK roads.

We are experienced on the various aspects of any VEHCILE TRANSPORT from:  International collection at source, Preparation prior to the shipping, UK, HMRC and VAT Duty Evaluation and Handling, #Vehicle Evaluation & #Modification Services for the #Vehicle Approval for the UK standard , #UK Vehicle Registration and #Plates registration services.

If you would like some advice and guidance in IMPORT MY CAR UK, please call Trans Global Logistics UK Ltd at 07833410281 or write to us at and we will be more than happy to help. 

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