Import My Car – Registration

When you ship a car registering a vehicle in the United Kingdom may seem like a daunting task, but with the right information and guidance, it can be a smooth and straightforward process. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the essential steps involved in…

Import my car to India

To ship a car to India can be a complex yet rewarding process. Whether you’re relocating to India or planning an extended stay, having your own vehicle can provide the freedom and convenience you need. However, before you start packing your car for the journey,…

Relocating to Australia?

Thinking of relocating to Australia? Trans Global Logistics UK Ltd can help! To ship a car to Australia it can be a daunting task, but with the right information and preparation, it can be a smooth process. Before you can ship a car to Australia,…

Shipping a vehicle to the US

To ship a car to the United States can be a complex process, involving various regulations, taxes, and duties. Whether you’re relocating, importing a classic car, or simply want to drive your favourite non-US spec vehicle on American roads, understanding the rules and procedures is…


When considering options to SHIP A CAR TO India, there are SEVERAL options 1) RORO which is the most affordable and 2) 20ft or 40ft container 3)Air Freight. The cost differential must be considered with ALL these forms of shipping. To SHIP A CAR TO…

Rules for importing a car INTO INDIA

SHIP A CAR TO INDIA SHIP A Used Car: The rules for importing a used car to India are quite strict and it may take more time for the process to complete. Here are the guidelines: The manufacturing year of second-hand imported cars should not be…

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